小稻 發表於 1-1-2013 11:37:16

【BETA】【有得玩】【可能做做下又唔做】 Garland War

本帖最後由 小稻 於 3-2-2013 21:29 編輯

Garland War 榮爭冠軍

Garland War 是最多可供3v3的對戰遊戲。

分隊:1357p vs 2468p



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遊戲共分五回合,各隊的最終目的是於第五回合 Garland War中勝出。


第一回合: King of the Hills 山崗皇者




若果兩隊的玩家同時佔領一個據點,雙方的傷害會正常計算 - 但你大概不想與你的對手分享據點吧?
同一最間對國王的最高傷害是 (3*2)+(3*3)+(3*2)點=21點。


這回合共有四種兵種選擇: 精銳鷹勇士、精銳擲斧兵、精銳條頓武士和精銳日本武士。





* * * Garland War Beta 0.01* * *

                                                      by Gazella

*** Before that, I want to let you know that I am not a native English speaker, so feel free to let me know if you found any English mistake***

In this game, Infantry is only option in most of the cases, however even non-Infantry based civilization can also enjoy their own advantages(Not Yet Implemented).

Objectives: Win the Garland War.(Final round)

This game will be divided into five main rounds, first four round does not win you the game, but they give you advantages to win the Garland War.
In the order words, first four round wins your game indirectly.

However, the Garland War can also be won even without any pervious victory.

First Round -King of the Hills

Objectives: Kill your enemy's king

This is the only round in this version.

There are three capture points across the map. Your enemy's king (Inside the map) suffer damage if any of three capture points is captured(Standing inside the flags) by your team.

Top and bottom deal 2 damage to enemy's king per second and the middle deals three.
The damage calculation of every players is separated, for example,enemy's king will suffer 6 damage per second if player 1,3,5 captured top.

However, you need only 1 unit to capture a point, is does not help if your entire army stand there. Therefore, use your army wisely.
The enemy that stand in your capture point does not stop you from dealing damage (nor you!), but you do not want to share the capture point with you enemy aren't you?

For your reference, the maximum damage can be dealt per second is (2*3)+(3*3)+(2*3)=21

* * * Rules * * *
You are not suposed to block your enemies nor you aillies.
Your unit will suffer 2damage per second in your enemy's side leaf area, and all the unit will be removed behind the gate(apart from your own)

However, you can take advantage of these to suicide your unit (The reason is right below)

* * * Unit option * * *

In this round you have four unit options, they are E.Eagle Warrior, E. Throwing Axeman, E. Teutonic Knight and E. Samurai.
You can make your choice on the left hand side of your map, just use your horse to walk into the gap area.

The unit limit is 40 per player. You can switch between unit options, but you can only use one of them at time.

EG. If you was using Eagle Warrior and suddenly you found out that you enemy is stalling the point by Teutonic knight, you wanna chop them down by using Samurai. But before that, make sure you have no Eagle warrior left on the map, otherwise you Teutonic knight WILL NOT spawn.

The selection of units and the timing to switch your unit is crucial!


The numbers below are the changes to the unit, for example it shows "-30" hp for E. Eagle Warrior, it means the final amount of the HP will be 60(normal)-30=30, also apply to atk.

E. Eagle Warrior
HP: -30
ATK: -2
Spawn time: 3 second

Very fast unit, use it to capture the points as soon as possible. Travel all across the map to help you enemy out or just anoy your enemy by kiting them. Takes advantages against Axe thrower.

E. Throwing Axeman
Spawn time: 3 second

The only ranged unit in this round, got one hit KOed by anything. Takes advantages against Samurai if you can use it wisely.

E. Teutonic Knight
Spawn time:3 second

It will takes Eagle and axeman forever to kill a formation of Teutonic Knights. However, due to it's turtle-slow movement speed, it doesnt take advantages on anything.

Eagle just outspeed Teutonic Knight by too much, they can just escape from the battle;
Axeman can use their range to kite you, and Samurai can 2HKO you.

Despite with these disadvantages, Teutonic Knight is a very stable and defensive option to secure a point.

E. Samurai

Spawn time: 3second

The Japanese Samurai can kill anything with ease, they are the best wall breaker if you enemy dare to stall a point with Teutonic knight.
It can chop Eagle Warrior easily but again, Samurai stand no chance to chase Eagle (although that wont be necessary if the capture point is secured)
And also, axeman normally melt Samurai before you can even touch them. Take advantages against Eagle warrior (if they are noob enough to fight you) and Teutonic Knight.

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Future development 未來展望



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兵堡走兵 發表於 1-1-2013 11:40:19


小稻 發表於 1-1-2013 11:41:38

兵堡走兵 發表於 1-1-2013 11:40 http://www.nakuz.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif


[S]會員書仔 發表於 2-1-2013 23:40:45

小滔..我都係英國WO = =

小稻 發表於 3-1-2013 00:23:45

小滔..我都係英國WO = =
會員書仔 發表於 2-1-2013 23:40 http://www.nakuz.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif


[S]會員書仔 發表於 17-1-2013 07:03:02

MSN 有呀...你依家MSN叫咩名, -.-我英國AOC連唔到線...考慮緊整RPG

[S]會員書仔 發表於 17-1-2013 07:03:18

MSN 有呀...你依家MSN叫咩名, -.-我英國AOC連唔到線...考慮緊整RPG

小稻 發表於 17-1-2013 16:45:39

MSN 有呀...你依家MSN叫咩名, -.-我英國AOC連唔到線...考慮緊整RPG
會員書仔 發表於 17-1-2013 07:03 http://www.nakuz.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif


[S]會員書仔 發表於 17-1-2013 18:38:15

MSN 有呀...你依家MSN叫咩名, -.-我英國AOC連唔到線...考慮緊整RPG

手田水口廿卜 發表於 17-1-2013 19:34:18

MSN 有呀...你依家MSN叫咩名, -.-我英國AOC連唔到線...考慮緊整RPG
會員書仔 發表於 17-1-2013 18:38 http://www.nakuz.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif

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