aclet0821 發表於 25-6-2010 18:17:04

Regarding to Jagex's Climbing Boot's Update...

I had just made a post on forum...
Which I wasn't flaming Jagex, though I'm quite mad at Jagex cos I think they did a stupid mistake.... in which I had suggested what they could have done or consider before releasing this update...

Here's the link:,165,171,61196862

Agree or not, Support or not...
Feel free to leave a comment =]

Clmak814 發表於 25-6-2010 18:32:01

too many same thing on the forum now

aclet0821 發表於 25-6-2010 18:36:55

too many same thing on the forum now
Clmak814 發表於 25-6-2010 08:32 PM
many threads...
too lazy read them all.. lol

Clmak814 發表於 25-6-2010 19:18:54

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